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Our Work

At GeoNumerix, we pride ourselves on a rich history of innovation and success, deeply rooted in the remarkable achievements of our founder and director, Dr. Fayyazi. Our portfolio—a symphony of numerical success stories—showcases our expertise and commitment to excellence.

Before the inception of GeoNumerix, Dr. Fayyazi led and executed numerous groundbreaking projects with significant impacts. These past projects, ranging from predicting the susceptible failure of offshore mine waste dumps under the ocean in Australia to preparing solutions for building infrastructure on marginally stable slopes, have laid the foundation for our current expertise and continue to inspire our commitment to excellence. We invite you to explore some of our current projects and also those pioneering endeavors that have become an integral part of our company’s legacy and ongoing journey towards innovation. Here are just a few of the complex projects from our collective experience that highlight our capabilities:



WAC Bennett Dam, BC 

Collaborating with BC Hydro, we are addressing seismic performance concerns of the dam using advanced numerical simulations and exploring rehabilitation options.


La Joie Dam, BC

Collaborating with BC Hydro, we are addressing seismic performance concerns of the dam using advanced numerical simulations and exploring rehabilitation options.


Conducted a 3D soil-structure interaction analysis to estimate the lateral earth pressure loads resulting from the ongoing movements of a marginally stable slope impacting the proposed protective shaft/caisson structure for the new low-lift pump station. The analysis results were delivered to the project’s prime consultant and structural engineer, aiding in the development of a viable solution for this challenging project.



Assessment of Seismic Performance of Lions Gate Bridge, BC

Seismic performance of various piers under different scenarios using 2D soil-structure analysis was evaluated. An advanced constitutive model was employed to simulate liquefaction and the dissipation of excess pore water pressure during earthquakes.


Husky Pump Station, Saskatchewan



LNG Plant Expansion, BC

3D stress-flow continuum analysis was conducted using the Cam-clay constitutive model to evaluate several key expansions planned for the existing FortisBC LNG Plant on Tilbury Island.


Seismic Performance Assessment of Base Plant LNG Tank, BC

Geotechnical earthquake engineering analyses were conducted to evaluate the seismic performance of the foundation soils beneath the Base Plant LNG Tank (BPLT) for its proposed decommissioning by FortisBC. Using 2D dynamic stress-flow deformation analyses, the lateral and vertical shear-induced displacements experienced by the BPLT were quantified. Post-seismic reconsolidation effects within the liquefied soil zones were computed using a FLAC3D model with stress-dependent soil modulus to allow for the dissipation of excess pore water pressures.



Offshore Gold Mine Waste Dump, Papua New Guinea

Stability of a large submerged marine mine waste dump with a history of large-scale slope failures was assessed. Using 3D finite difference method, numerical models were developed to simulate past failures under the ocean and predict future risks.


Neptune Bulk Marine Terminal Expansion, BC

Extensive coupled seismic soil-structure interaction analyses were conducted,  the impacts of liquefaction during earthquakes on the structure and its anchors were evaluated. Critical forces were extracted and provided for structural design.

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